Step-by-Step guide for Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration on Azure

Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration

Are you an Oracle user looking to migrate your database to PostgreSQL on Azure? Are you seeking a comprehensive, technical guide tailored to your cloud migration needs? Look no further. This blog is crafted exclusively for you.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, enterprises are constantly seeking ways to optimize costs and enhance flexibility. Database migration plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives, particularly when transitioning from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Azure, as a leading cloud platform, offers a robust environment for hosting PostgreSQL databases, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to embrace open-source solutions while leveraging the power of the cloud. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the intricate process, ensuring a seamless transition while maintaining data integrity and functionality.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Environment

Before initiating the migration process, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough assessment of your existing Oracle database environment. This assessment should include:

    • Understanding the database schema: Analyze the structure of your Oracle database, including tables, views, indexes, constraints, and relationships.
    • Data volume and dependencies: Determine the volume of data stored in the database and identify any dependencies between different database objects.
    • Performance metrics: Evaluate the performance of the Oracle database, including query execution times, resource utilization, and bottlenecks.
    • Customizations and advanced features: Identify any customizations, stored procedures, triggers, or advanced features that may impact the migration process.

Step 2: Define Migration Objectives and Scope

Once you have a clear understanding of your current environment, define your migration objectives and scope. This involves:

    • Establishing migration objectives: Determine the primary goals of the migration, such as cost reduction, improved performance, or modernization of database infrastructure.
    • Defining migration scope: Identify the scope of the migration, including timelines, resources, and key stakeholders involved in the process. Set realistic expectations for the migration project.

Step 3: Choose the Right Migration Method

Selecting the appropriate migration method is critical for a successful migration. Common migration methods include:

    • Dump and restore: Export data from the Oracle database using tools like exp or Data Pump, and then import it into PostgreSQL using tools like pg_dump and pg_restore.
    • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Use ETL tools or custom scripts to extract data from Oracle, transform it into a format compatible with PostgreSQL, and load it into the target database.
    • Specialized migration tools: Utilize third-party migration tools specifically designed for migrating Oracle databases to PostgreSQL.

Consider factors such as data volume, downtime tolerance, and complexity when choosing the migration method that best suits your needs.

Step 4: Set Up PostgreSQL Environment on Azure

Before migrating your data, you’ll need to set up a PostgreSQL environment on Azure. This involves:

    • Provisioning resources: Select the appropriate compute instances, storage options, and networking components to support your PostgreSQL database.
    • Configuring security settings: Implement security measures such as network security groups, firewalls, and access controls to protect your database.
    • Backup and disaster recovery: Set up backup and disaster recovery mechanisms to ensure data integrity and availability in case of unforeseen events.

A well-prepared PostgreSQL environment lays the foundation for a successful migration.

Step 5: Perform Data Migration

With your PostgreSQL environment set up, it’s time to migrate your data from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Depending on the chosen migration method, this may involve:

    • Dump and restore: Export data from the Oracle database using tools like exp or Data Pump, and then import it into PostgreSQL using tools like pg_dump and pg_restore.
    • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Use ETL tools or custom scripts to extract data from Oracle, transform it into a format compatible with PostgreSQL, and load it into the target database.

Monitor the migration process closely and address any errors or discrepancies that arise.

Step 6: Migrate Database Schema and Objects

In addition to migrating data, you’ll need to migrate database schema objects such as tables, views, indexes, and constraints from Oracle to PostgreSQL. This involves:

    • Adjusting data types and syntax: Modify data types and syntax to align with PostgreSQL standards.
    • Validating the migrated schema: Verify the integrity and functionality of the migrated schema to ensure consistency across both databases.

Step 7: Refactor Applications and Queries

Update your applications, scripts, and SQL queries to connect and interact with the PostgreSQL database. This may involve:

    • Modifying application logic: Update application logic, stored procedures, and SQL statements to accommodate differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects.
    • Conducting thorough testing: Test applications to ensure they function correctly with the new database backend.

Step 8: Optimize Performance and Fine-Tuning

Once your data and applications are migrated, it’s essential to optimize the performance of your PostgreSQL database on Azure. This involves:

    • Fine-tuning configuration parameters: Adjust PostgreSQL configuration parameters to optimize performance and resource utilization.
    • Indexing strategies: Implement appropriate indexing strategies to improve query performance.
    • Query optimization: Analyze and optimize SQL queries to minimize execution times and improve overall database performance.

Step 9: Test and Validate

Before completing the migration process, it’s crucial to perform comprehensive testing and validation to ensure data integrity, reliability, and functionality. This involves:

    • Executing test cases: Test typical use cases, edge scenarios, and performance benchmarks to validate the migrated database.
    • Comparing results: Compare results against the source Oracle database to ensure consistency and correctness.
    • Addressing issues: Address any issues or discrepancies identified during testing promptly.

Step 10: Cut Over and Post-Migration Support

Once testing is complete, schedule a maintenance window for the final cutover from Oracle to PostgreSQL. This involves:

    • Executing data synchronization tasks: Perform any remaining data synchronization tasks to ensure data consistency between the Oracle and PostgreSQL databases.
    • Switching production workload: Redirect production workload to the migrated PostgreSQL database.
    • Providing post-migration support: Offer post-migration support to address any issues, troubleshoot performance problems, and fine-tune configurations as needed.


By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully migrate your Oracle database to PostgreSQL on Azure, unlocking the benefits of open-source flexibility, cloud scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Embrace the power of PostgreSQL on Azure to drive innovation, streamline operations, and empower your business to thrive in today’s dynamic cloud environment.

Explore our migration services and solutions further by visiting For inquiries or to discuss your migration needs, please reach out to us at Let’s embark on your migration journey together towards a future-ready database ecosystem on Azure.