The Performance Maze: Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration

Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration

When you manage databases, it’s crucial to focus on performance. Whether you’re handling a small app or big data for a large business, how fast your database searches work can greatly affect your work. This is especially important when you’re moving databases from one platform to another, like shifting from Oracle to PostgreSQL. While this change can be smart and cost-effective, what happens to the well-optimized searches made in Oracle?

Will they work just as well in PostgreSQL? Maybe not.

Both Oracle and PostgreSQL are great databases known for working fast and doing a lot, but they have their own ways of doing things. Searches that were great in Oracle might need to be changed a bit to work well in PostgreSQL.

So, how do we deal with this potential problem?

    • Rewrite Queries: One solution is to rewrite your searches so they fit better with how PostgreSQL looks for data. This could mean making complex searches simpler or splitting them into smaller parts.
    • Add Indexes: Another way to speed up searches is by adding indexes. However, be careful not to add too many in PostgreSQL, especially on tables where quick updates are important. Having too many indexes can slow things down.
    • Test Performance: It’s crucial to test your searches thoroughly to find and fix any slowdowns. This helps identify searches that use more resources than they need to, so you can make them faster.
    • Optimize Cloud Resources: Once you’ve improved search performance, you can often reduce the size of your cloud setup or use fewer resources. This saves money and makes your IT setup more efficient.

Why Performance Matters

Making sure your database runs well during a move isn’t just about keeping things working smoothly; it’s also about using your resources wisely and spending less money. If searches don’t run well, they can use up too many resources, which costs more and might make things slower for users. By fixing these problems early on, companies can make sure their move to PostgreSQL goes well and they end up with a database that works well and doesn’t cost too much.

Dealing with the Move

Moving from Oracle to PostgreSQL isn’t just about moving data; it’s about adapting to a new way of making searches faster. Without specific hints for searches, developers need to understand how PostgreSQL finds data and how to change searches for better speed.

This journey might have challenges, but with good planning, thorough testing, and learning how PostgreSQL searches work, you can have a smooth move. Remember, the goal isn’t just to copy Oracle; it’s to create a faster, cheaper database system using PostgreSQL’s strengths.

Getting the Best Performance in PostgreSQL

Going from Oracle to PostgreSQL isn’t easy, but we can help. Whether it’s fixing searches, putting in the right indexes, or doing thorough tests, we’ll guide you through each step to make sure your database runs as best as it can. Make your move to PostgreSQL not just a data switch, but a way to make your database work even better. Ready to make your database faster with our help?

To experience seamless and efficient migration from Oracle to cloud-native PostgreSQL, harness the power of Newt Global’s DMAP solution today. Visit Newt Global’s website at to learn more about how our world-class product can optimize your database performance and significantly reduce costs. For inquiries and further information, contact us at

Newt Global DMAP is a world-class product enabling mass migration of Oracle Db to cloud-native PostgreSQL Faster, better, and cheaper.