Navigating the Zenith of Monitoring Mastery

In the intricate ballet of database management, Oracle’s Exadata emerges as a prima ballerina, executing high-performance data maneuvers with grace and precision. Yet, the brilliance of Exadata’s performance is not solely a product of its design; it thrives under the vigilant eye of performance...

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The Art of Indexing: Oracle vs. PostgreSQL Deep Dive

In the world of storing and finding data quickly, indexes are super important. They make searching for data really fast, just like when you search for something on the internet. Now, if we’re talking about two big names in the database world, Oracle and...

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GitHub Copilot Meets DMAP: A Synergistic Relationship

GitHub Copilot and Newt Global’s Database Migration Acceleration Platform (DMAP) are joining forces to make moving databases easier, especially from Oracle to PostgreSQL. This new collaboration uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve how migrations happen. Copilot not only suggests ways to make things better...

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DMAP: Your Assurance in Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration

Don’t take chances with your data: Testing thoroughly is super important for moving from Oracle to PostgreSQL without any problems. If you skip this step, it’s like walking through a field of mines blindfolded – one mistake and everything could blow up. If data...

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